Saturday, July 19, 2014

Lagi seminggu...

Ader lagi seminggu nak Aidilfitri...checklist benda yang nak dibuat, klu diikutkan hati, kemain la panjangnyer tapi tak tau la bleh ader ke tenaga nak membuatnyer.

Tahun ni 3 kuih tunjuk, 3 buat sendiri. Ader gak org menempah kek dan coklat. Rumah x berkemas lagi, baju raya Nurul, yg main dh beli, tinggal yg side jer ( bleh baju mcm menu dinner, ader main, side bagai..)

Teringin lak nk bagi kuih sikit kat makcik n pakcik buat kunyah2, ( utk info, kita ader 7 uncles,6 aunties...pengsan sat)

Hari ni pun dr sahur ni tak tido (i know, i know x bagus tido lepas sahur 😔).

Bak kata adik kat office , a mother of three, - 'kena minum power root la kita kak'.

Oklah, sebelum terus merapu, better stop.

Selamat mendapat puasa yg berkat!

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

A little change wont hurt

What should we do about Gaza? What is the ultimate solution to end their endless suffering?

Israel memang bijak, their timing and strategies of using DISTRACTION, one of many, are spotless? World cup, in Ramadhan? Perfect timing! Muslim still eat at McDonald no matter how many time and post that exposed link between Ronald McDonald with the Butcher. Is it worth it, all burgers and what not, as compared to the pain and suffering our brothers and sister in Gaza?

I am not a fanatic nor pious but it really bothers me, no matter how many media exposure, post after post in social media, nothing seem ever gonna change. I have come to a point to just skip any video that shows cruelty of Israel, I just can't bring myself to watch it. Other than disturbing image after image, feeling so HELPLESS is the main reason why I skipped it.

So if you can't contribute to fund any mission to Gaza, stop eat at McDonald, that way, you will help minimise the potion given to fund the Butcher !

Salam Ramadhan..

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