Monday, February 17, 2014

Penawar sakit kepala

بسم الله الر حمن الرحيم

It has been almost two week I have this intermittent headache, not enough sleep I guess.Refuse to take any paracetamol, so I try to sleep it off but it still there.

This very morning as I was checking my fb I saw this post on how to get abundance rezeki. One of it is to read surah al Waqiah. Then, I search my digital al-Quran searching for it, cant find it. Assuming that this surah has different name, I google it but what I found is what I really need now-a doa to cure headache here.

It is al-Waqiah, verse 19.

I read it 5 times to make sure I got it right and syukur alhamdulillah, in less then 1 minute no more headache.

Subhanallah indeed!

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